Sunday, 29 November 2009

How can you help?

How can you help?

Suggest things for me to read!
This can be anything from science to philosophy to religion, history, politics, mathematics, psychology, ANYTHING!

Just a note to say that I am doing a degree in linguistics and so will probably refrain from including linguistic readings in this project. This isbecause I like to believe that I would do this reading anyway without the disipline of a daily project. If I find anything super interesting though, I'll be sure to let you know!


Make your own project at: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello, My name is Hannah and for 100 days I plan to read a chapter of nonfiction each day and write a page about what I have learnt. I will post my findings here so that other people can learn stuff too!

This is a project in conjunction with Josie Long's "One Hundred Days to Make Me a Better Person."

From December 1st, Josie and a group of comedians, writers and musicians will be trying to make themselves better, every day, for a hundred days. Some will be working towards a big project, like learning a language, and others will be doing the same something, like writing a letter each day.

On March 10th, a show is being held to present their experiences at the London Word Festival. The gig will feature a gallery space for people to show off their own projects and all kinds of hi-jinks.

You too can do something for 100 days towards improving yourself. Make yourself friendlier, stronger, wiser or just sillier! Go to to join in!

I shall post here on December 1st with my first findings!

I hope you all learn as much as I do!
